How to Create Reusable Glow Sticks

Click here to purchase our glow in the dark powder!

Choose the Difficulty Level Appropriate for You

Since glow sticks are a fun accessory that are enjoyed by both children and adults, we decided that there should be two levels of difficulty to this project. The first is ideal for a family project with children involved, and the second is great for either those with at least a beginning knowledge of resin, or those who are willing to try something new. (If you are wanting to jump into the world of resin, but aren't sure where to start, this project will be perfect for you!) 

Glow Stick Project - Easy: 
(Ideal for younger children or families that would prefer a simpler project)

Materials Needed
  • Art 'N Glow Glow Powder (Your choice of color!)
  • Clear Tacky Glue (This can be found at Walmart, a craft store, or even Amazon.) 
  • **Bonus Tip: Our Glow Powder is also available on Amazon.
  • Clear Test Tube Favor Containers with a Screw-on Cap (You can find these on Amazon or a craft store)
  • String or Yarn
  • Hole-Punch or a Drill with a Small Drill-bit
  • Thin Popsicle sticks

Step 1: Fill the clear test tube container about 1/4 the way with glow powder.

Step 2: Fill the remainder of the test tube with clear tacky glue, a little at a time, stirring using a popsicle stick each time until you reach just below the top of the test tube.

Step 3: Make sure that the glow powder is fully-mixed into the tacky glue.

Step 4: Cut the string or yarn to desired length to make a necklace.

Step 5: Puncture or drill a hole, just big enough to thread the string or yarn through, into the top of the cap of the test tube. (Have an adult assist with this step.)

Step 6: Thread the end of the string or yarn that does not have a knot through the hole.

Step 7: Pull the string through until you reach the knot. Thread the end without the knot back through the hole and tie a knot on that end, creating a loop that is anchored by the two knots on the inside of the cap.

Step 8: Charge your glow stick with either a UV light or the sun so that it glows brightly, and wear your glow stick around your neck!

***Glow tip: If you are wanting your glow sticks to be glowing outside at night, use one of our Art 'N Glow keychain flashlights or Art 'N Glow 9 LED UV Flashlights to charge your glowsticks at will!

Glow Stick Project - Moderate:
(For those that want a more-involved project)

Materials Needed
  • Art 'N Glow Glow Powder (Your choice of color!)
  • Art 'N Glow Epoxy Resin
  • Clear Test Tube Favor Containers with a Screw-on Cap (You can find these on Amazon or a craft store)
  • String or Yarn
  • Scissors or a Drill with a Small Drill-bit
  • Gloves
  • Popsicle Stick
  • 3 Plastic Cups

Step 1: Measure equal amounts of resin and hardener separately into 2 plastic cups. (The size of the test tube containers will determine the amount. You most likely will only use about 1/2 ounce -1 ounce of each).

Step 2: Pour both cups into the third cup, using the popsicle stick to mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes until there are no streaks.

Step 3: Add your glow powder (We suggest using a 1:4 ratio of glow powder to resin and hardener mixture for optimal glow power) a little at a time and continue mixing until the glow powder is mixed in thoroughly with your resin and hardener mixture.

Step 4:Pour the mixture into your test tube container and leave the lid off, propping your container upright. Leave the cap off of the container and wait 24 hours until the resin has hardened. (Our resin is fully-cured at 72 hours, but it will be hardened at 24 hours.)

Step 5: While waiting on your resin to harden, cut the string or yarn to desired length to make a necklace.

Step 6: Puncture or drill a hole, just big enough to thread the string or yarn through, into the top of the cap of the test tube.

Step 7: Thread the end of the string or yarn that does not have a knot through the hole.

Step 8: Pull the string through until you reach the knot. Thread the end without the knot back through the hole and tie a knot on that end, creating a loop that is anchored by the two knots on the inside of the cap.

Step 9: Screw the cap onto the test tube container.

Step 10: Charge your glow stick with either a UV light or the sun so that it glows brightly, and wear your glow stick around your neck!

***Glow tip: If you are wanting your glow sticks to be glowing outside at night, use one of our Art 'N Glow keychain flashlights or Art 'N Glow 9 LED UV Flashlights to charge your glowsticks at will!