Kid's Halloween Project - Ghoulish Glowing Terrariums

Unlock your creativity and embark on a spooky adventure using Art 'N Glow Epoxy Resin. While our epoxy resin is perfect for crafting resin-coated art, tumblers, dice, coasters, and jewelry, today, we're thinking outside the box and bringing you a spooky glow in the dark project for your Halloween season - even better, this project is perfect for kiddos!
Discover the power of glow powder and resin combined!
Follow along and let your creativity run wild with this step by step guide.

Unlock your creativity and embark on a spooky adventure using Art 'N Glow Epoxy Resin. While our epoxy resin is perfect for crafting resin-coated art, tumblers, dice, coasters, and jewelry, today, we're thinking outside the box and bringing you a spooky glow in the dark project for your Halloween season - even better, this project is perfect for kiddos!
Discover the power of glow powder and resin combined!
Follow along and let your creativity run wild with this step by step guide.

Let's get crafty!
Materials to Make your Own Spooky Terrariums
Art 'N Glow Glow Powders (we used Fluorescent Orange and Neutral Sky Blue)
Art 'N Glow 9LED UV Flashlight (optional)
Spooky silicone mold of your choice
Plastic glow stars
Plastic mason jars
Plastic Eyeball ping pong balls
Clear cord (fishing line, etc.)
Rotary tool (for drilling small holes)
Small screw eyes
Needle nose plyers
8 oz. + 16 oz. cups
Stirring utensil (popsicle sticks)
Silicone mat
Preserved moss (optional)

Parental Advisory: If your child is taking on this project, please make sure they have the guidance and supervision of a parent or guardian to ensure a safe experience.
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step 1: Prepare your workspace. First, gather your Art ‘N Glow resin, Glow Powders, silicone mold, torch, mixing cups, stir sticks, and gloves.
Step 2: Pour equal parts of resin and hardener in a 1:1 ratio (by volume, not weight!) into each of your mixing cups. Mix the resin and hardener for about 5 minutes, ensuring you scrape the sides and the bottom edges to ensure it is fully blended.
Step 3: Add in your Glow Powder and stir some more, making sure it is fully blended.
(Tip: Usually, we recommend 7 grams of glow powder per fluid oz. of your medium for the brightest and longest-lasting glow in your project. Feel free to experiment with different ratios if desired.)
Step 4: Pour your mixed-up Glow Resin into the silicone ghost molds and let it cure for 24 hours.
Step 5: Pop the ghosts out of the molds and fill in the little ghost faces on each of them with a black paint pen or a Sharpie.
Step 6: Optional step: We decided to add some moss to the inside of the lid of the plastic terrarium mason jar and also decorated the eyeballs and stars!
Step 7: Get out your small screw eyes and start a small hole where you want to screw them into the top of the resin and eyeballs you want hanging in your mason jar. Screw them in.
Step 8: Flip over your mason jar and drill 4 small holes just big enough to thread your cord through on the bottom of the jar terrarium.
Step 9: Now thread your ghosts, eyeballs, and stars through the screw eyes and thread the other end of the string through the bottom of your jar with the 4 holes.
Step 10: Assemble time! Now, screw that lid on, and there you have it!
Step 11: Your very own Glow-in-the-Dark Ghost Spooky Terrarium! Now charge it up with your Art ‘N Glow UV Flashlight or direct sunlight, turn off the lights, and watch it GLOW!
What People Are Saying

I LOVE the Glow Powder - I purchased a few different shades and will definitely be back for more. It's currently finding good use in my resin jewelry & inlaid sign work... I was head over heels happy when I found the Art 'N Glow product to try with my resin work and it has not disappointed!
- Jennifer G.

Wow is all I can say. One of my favorite glow colors for rings. Super bright and glows for an extremely long time.
- Jeramie F.
Commonly Used To Create With Resin
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